Для обеспечения студентов учебное, учебно-методической литературой каждый учебный год заполняется «Карта обеспеченности учебной и учебно-методической литературой».

To provide students with educational, educational and methodological literature, each academic year is filled with the “Map of the provision of educational and educational literature”.

The map of the provision of educational and educational-methodical literature is carried out, respectively, by order of the “Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 5, 2020 No. 231 On approval of qualification requirements for educational activities and the list of documents confirming compliance with them.”

For questions of book supply, contact the “Sector for Acquisition and Scientific Processing of the Library Fund”

По вопросам книгообеспеченности обращаться в «Сектор комплектования и научной обработки библиотечного фонда»

For all queries:

Phone: +7 777 310 1888

E-mail: lib.htii@gmail.com